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Jandal, Flip Flop or Sandal Tree

Flip Flop or Sandal tress carrying footwear in the ocean.
Flip Flop or Sandal Tree making people aware of footwear in the ocean.

On Bonaire about 1 km north of where the cruise ships dock for the day is a jandal tree. It seems that the kilometer mark is just a bit too far for many on the cruise ships but it is where the locals enjoy themselves. I traded up my UK Chatham leather sandal purchased in June 2016 for a used contoured Reef jandal. I had found a similar contoured Reef in Trellis Bay, Beef Island BVI's. Lets hope they last a year......

Flip Flop or Sandal tress carrying footwear washed up from the ocean
Flop or Sandal Tree making people aware of footwear in the ocean

Flip Flop or Sandal tress carrying footwear washed up from the ocean
Flip Flop or Sandal Tree freecycling footwear

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