The Beginning
Collecting driftwood has been an enjoyment for many years now. There has scarcely been a holiday or trip where some hasn't been brought back in some way. After going through a couple of green stone and bone pendants - because they broke, turned driftwood collecting from an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours or a day into a means of collecting a material to create jewelry out of that wouldn't break if knocked or hit the ground. First came the bracelets, they were beautiful but they came with a set of problems, they weren't as stable as desired and they also tended to catch on things impact life- not ideal. So pendants being more durable and often less likely to get in the way became the focus. It's taken many years to get the pendants to the point where we're truly happy with them and key requirements leading to this point have been that they had to be durable and unique. A key aspect to our unique pendant is the grain - all of our pendants are made out of 'Y' sections of wood, meaning that although the design is nearly the same for every pendant the colours and grains and story's behind each one is different.
Today we collect our own wood for the pendants because finding good quality pieces of driftwood that is a suitable size and with the right grain pattern - the 'Y' shape, is incredibly hard. But it is also because nature often provides us with gifts of broken branches from some seriously interesting trees with incredibly rich colours that make excellent pendants. Our promise to your and ourselves and one of the founding principles of our company, is that all the wood used in our pendants will never come off a living tree only branches that we find on the ground. We only take enough to make a pendant and leave the rest behind.
I could be here all day writing about our pendants but for now I hope you have enjoying finding a little more about us!
We're happy to answer any questions just send them to us over on Instagram: @driftwoodshaperltd or at our email:
The Driftwood Shapers.