It Works!
An essential element to the creating of the Soap for Seawater has been sea trials. Our first trials were conducted about 6 months ago in France. These gave us the feedback that we needed - essentially that our product worked how we wanted it to a major milestone.
Another milestone happened recently. Our soap has come on an adventure, a trip sailing around the Caribbean and the lucky crew including one of the team has got to use the soap in a way we could only dream about nearly a year ago, seawater showers off the back of the boat. They have sent us some pictures too show us how they got on.
Day 1 and 2:
The crew were pretty curious to see 'if it worked' and they were pleasantly impressed to see it did - good job because they've got about 20 bars of the stuff!
Day 4:
Everyone had a wash on the boat today and this guy is now six washes down (big washes I should add, these guys aren't tiny), we're loosing a bit of shape not but still looks pretty good though!
Day 7:
After washes pretty much everyday its started to look like a regular old bar of soap - doesn't work like one though! Everyone is still managing wash without an icky residue which you get from regular bar soap with a nice lather - always a bonus! They have stopped near Saint Martin for a little while and so the sea trials have been put on hold because the water quality doesn't look so good apparently. All in all though they have managed to save up on their fresh water boat supplies and have less rubbish on board (because of the plastic bottle waste from the liquid soap), so pretty good going.
I should also add the soap is now being used as hand washing soap in the boat - I'm guessing with salt water taps but it might be fresh. A nice reminder that our soap works in regular water too!
There is a video to come along - but limited wifi means its not got to me yet, when it does I'll add it on!
Have a good week!